Salt Lamps for Life
News and miscellaneous commentary about salt lamps, health and well-being, and the salt lamp business.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Salt Lamps For Life: The Movie
Some of our best, most popular salt lamps and Himalayan salt products. This would be my first attempt at making a movie. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Coming Soon...More Salt Lamps and New Products
I want to know more about this:
Have a great holiday weekend!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
From the WTF Dept.: "Dr. Oz Recommends OUR Salt Lamps"
If anyone can provide verification of this claim, please get in touch. I'll be happy to post it here with credit where credit is due.
Now, Dr. Oz does recommend salt pipes:
These aren't salt lamps....are they?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Proliferation of the Salt Lamp
And so, we grow. We have big plans too, but that's for another time.
It's almost 2010 now. The salt lamp market is maturing and growing rapidly as word spreads, this makes it competitive. Many of our competitors are being...well, competitive, in the online domain. So be it...
There are "salt lamps" out there for around $10. It's called "whoring" the market and it makes me a very sad panda because what you get inside the box is a crap rock and usually a crap switch and cord. Himalayan salt crystal is priced by quality level: Premium, Good, Fair. This is why a salt lamp can be sold so cheaply at little or no actual profit. This is why people are always surprised when they see our salt lamps, they aren't just fair or good...we insist on and only accept PREMIUM quality salt, it shows when compared to another lamp bought somewhere else (unless you bought it from someone who buys from us!). We pay more but what we get is astonishingly good thanks to our overseas suppliers and manufacturers. If a lamp happens to be not to our liking, we don't ship it - we find a better one. What you can buy elsewhere generally isn't even looked at, much less plugged in and tested; trust me, we've checked up on others over the years. Our online retail return rate over six years is less than 0.01% (1/100th of a percent)...we've always had a 30 day unconditional, hassle-free satisfaction guarantee.
Salt lamps are everywhere these days, at many different quality levels and prices. They are products that actually work wonders for many people, some just a little and others much more. For years there has been a misunderstanding about how a salt lamp does whatever it does to indoor air quality, and myths have become general consensus. The truth about salt lamps can be found in this article.
Still shopping time about the perfect gift?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Neti Pot Once a Day Can Cause Infections, Study Finds
In a meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology in Miami, Dr. Talal M. Nsouli, of Watergate Allergy & Asthma Center in Washington said,
I don't have anything against short-term nasal saline irrigation -- even aggressive nasal saline irrigation for three, four days or one week is totally fine, but when we are doing it on a daily basis, we are modifying the immunological biochemistry of the nose.
That can result in a "depletion of immune elements" -- therefore, recurrent sinus infections.
This will lead us to a vicious cycle, more infections, more nasal saline; more nasal saline, more infections. We need to cut this cycle.Seems almost like nasal spray...pretty soon you GOT to have it. Be careful out there. Mucus is the first line of defense more often than not, without it we are open to much more infections.
Using a salt lamp would be a less harsh method of treatment, treating the air rather than the person; but it seems likely that some of us have bad sinuses and need more for relief.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Salt Lamps Naturally Improve Indoor Air Quality
A salt lamp can be a natural, homeopathic way to improve the quality of indoor air we breathe and beautify a home or office environment. There is also logical scientific basis for salt lamps' healthy effects on surrounding air and human well-being.
PRLog (Press Release) – Nov 11, 2009 – Indoor air quality is among the top five environmental health risks, according to the EPA1. Today, Americans spend up to 90% of their day-to-day life indoors surrounded by asthma and respiratory allergy triggers such as mold, dust mites, pets, smoke, and more. The increasing prevalence of both asthma and allergies over the last few decades has created a large industry in prescription medications amounting to over 6 billion dollars annually for asthma drugs alone2; this despite the handful of known side effects these may have. Air cleaners can be helpful, but are often noisy, require regular maintenance and a good bit of electricity. There is, however, an increasingly popular and eco-friendly tool to help improve indoor air, and even well-being. Salt lamps are a natural alternative to consider for cleaner, healthier air. A solid chunk of crystal salt warmed and glowing with a low-wattage incandescent bulb really can make a difference inside a room; and due to its hygroscopic3 properties, the differences are not just aesthetic.
The Himalayan salt lamp is the most common variety found in the United States, and originates from government-owned mines in the Himalayan foothills of eastern and northern Pakistan. This crystalline salt is over 250 million years old, formed from this planet's pristine primal sea. The purity and translucent, mineral-rich coloring create a warm, ambient glow when these salt lamps are lighted. Colors of Himalayan salt can range from pure white through dark red, along with a variety of slate blue or grey. Quality levels can vary widely, with the biggest differences being in visual quality of the salt chunk and craftsmanship of the lamp itself. Cheaper is certainly not better when it comes to Himalayan salt lamps. A salt crystal lamp will last a lifetime and beyond when used properly, so stick with premium quality4.
The most rare and valued variety of salt lamps these days are Persian salt lamps. While prized for their rich spectrum of purple and blue coloring, the actual salt contained in these Iranian mines is predominantly white to cream colored. The veins of purple color within the mine are thin, especially compared to the vast mines found in Pakistan, and this limits the amount of purple salt lamps that can be produced. The colors produced by a premium-level purple Persian salt lamp can range almost anywhere in the purple spectrum including lavender, plum, indigo, and violet. Blue specks permeate through kind of salt most notably on the outer lamp surface. Standard-level Persian salt lamps are slightly more common, being purple mixed with white in color5. Interestingly, these salt lamps could also have a cosmic origin as purple and blue salt was discovered inside fallen meteorites in 1998. Read for more information.
Regardless of color, crystalline salt rocks share a common trait of attracting water molecules to their salt surface known as being hygroscopic. The natural attraction of moisture from the air is the real secret of how a salt lamp works. Widespread anecdotal claims about crystal salt "generating" negative ions have yet to be scientifically studied, documented, published, and peer reviewed. This could likely be either a lack of available data, or simply an urban legend that has earned its share of skeptics over the years. There is another theory about salt lamps realized by Ionicsalts, however, that logically suggests benefits come from two conditions created by the attraction of water and salt rather than simply negative ion generation.
As an aside, negative ions are well-known for benefitting immunity, the respiratory system, mood; increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain creating decreased drowsiness, higher alertness levels, and raising mental capacity in at least the one in three people that are sensitive to the effects6. Contrarily, positive ions have been linked to problems such as fatigue, anxiety, headaches, and more.
In the average home or office, indoor air has an electrical balance of both positive and negative ions; yet naturally holds a slight positive electrical charge due in large part to technology and machines, along with airborne moisture and particulates that attach to these floating water molecules such as mold, fungi, bacteria, viruses, allergens, etc. These particulates cannot remain airborne and viable without the positive-charged water molecule. In the first condition created by a salt lamp, moisture is drawn to the surface of the lamp through the air. Reduced airborne humidity reduces the amount of floating respiratory irritants and asthma triggers by forming an inhospitable environment. These irritants and triggers eventually fall harmlessly to the floor. The surrounding indoor air becomes naturally cleaner.
The second condition a salt lamp can create in an indoor space is altering the electrical balance of an area. As the natural balance of positive and negative ions exists in ambient air, removing positively charged particles increases the ratio in favor of negative ions. This is measurable. It's possible that a negatively-charged ionic field exists to some extent around a warm salt lamp, but this field is likely small because negative ions have a rather short life span. Lastly, the warmth of a lighted salt lamp creates an upward convection current of air creating slight circulation and accelerating the process of moisture evaporation on the salt surface. This action further enhances the overall effect salt lamps can have in a room.
Salt lamps can be a beautiful and natural way to breathing healthier indoor air. They are not medical devices, nor have they been officially recognized as diagnosing, curing, or treating any disease; alternative medicine receives little to no funding for such things. As with anything homeopathic or holistic, results vary between individuals and environments based on personal sensitivities. One thing is certain, indoor air quality can noticeably improve with a lighted salt lamp around.
# # # is a leading Himalayan salt company and importer based in Charlotte, NC, USA. Family-owned and operated, the company was founded in 2004 and has since gained a market reputation of offering the highest quality products and information with friendly, hassle-free service. Specialized in premium-quality salt lamps, bath salt, and gourmet edible pink salt. Retail, wholesale, and direct import. Please visit for more information about Himalayan salt and salt lamps:
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Recall on salt lamp cords...a clarification.
The report:
First and foremost, E-klectix / is in no way affiliated or associated with the named companies listed in the report. We have NEVER had a safety issue with our electrical cords, and this is because we fully test every single cord we ship as part of day-to-day order processing and fulfillment. Yes, it adds a little time to each shipment in getting it ready - but it's ready and there is no uncertainty about what's in the box we just packed and shipped; a return rate of less than 1% testifies to these practices.Lamps Recalled by LTD Commodities LLC, ABC Distributing and the Lakeside Collection Due to Fire Hazard
The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the product immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Ionic Salt Lamps
Units: About 25,800
Distributor: LTD Commodities LLC; ABC Distributing of Bannockburn, Ill., and Lakeside Collection, all of Bannockburn, Ill.
Manufacturer: Fashion Stitches & More, Inc., of Dayton, N.J.
Hazard: The lamps overheat causing the vinyl coating on the cord to burst and melt, posing a fire hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received eight reports of overheating, including two reports of hand burns.
Description: The recalled ionic salt lamp varies in color from light to dark red and is attached to a wood base. The lamp fixture comes with a 10 watt bulb and a black cord with an inline on/off switch. The UL file number E216832 will be printed on the cord and the UL file number E214389 on the plug.
Sold by: LTD Commodities, ABC Distributing, and Lakeside Collection catalogs, and on their Web sites from March 2009 through May 2009 for about $12.
Manufactured in: Pakistan
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the product and contact either LTD Commodities, ABC Distributing or Lakeside Collection to receive a replacement cord set. All consumers who purchased the Ionic Salt Lamps were notified directly about the recall.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact either LTD Commodities or ABC Distributing toll free at (866) 736-3654, or Lakeside Collection toll-free at (866) 847-4327 between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. CT, or logon to, or
The usage of "Ionic Salt Lamps" is troubling because of natural search engine keywords as well as word association. Why say "ionic"? Is this what was printed on the box? Why the extra adjective to describe a salt lamp? What about "Himalayan", "beautiful", "natural", "rock", "electric", or "decorative"? We received an email recently, from someone who had shipped their recalled cord and wanted to know when to expect the receive the replacement. How are we supposed to know? It's not us! But, thanks to inadvertent usage of the word "ionic" in this US government report, the association was made...unsurprisingly and unfortunately.
Then, there is this little item:
Hazard: The lamps overheat causing the vinyl coating on the cord to burst and melt, posing a fire hazard to consumers.
From our own experience and knowledge with salt lamps for many years now, this statement is misworded at best. Someone explain to me how a 10-watt incandescent salt lamp bulb will heat a salt lamp to a temperature that cause vinyl coating on a cord to "burst and melt". Ten watt bulbs are not suitable for warming anything even lukewarm but the smallest of salt lamps, like 1-2 lbs, which relatively speaking is nothing more that one of our salt bath bars with a light inside. Our smallest salt lamps are 5-6 lbs. generally.
The better worded hazard conclusion: Cheap, poorly-made, UL-listed electrical cords burst and melt, posing a fire hazard to consumers.
The lamps are not likely to be overheating and melting plastic with a 10-watt bulb; nor are people likely getting burned by a salt lamp with a 10-watt bulb but with a poorly-wired and/or poorly-manufactured electrical cord.
This is what happens when bargain shopping rather than insisting on quality. That's just not us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Salt Lamps and You
This is ultimately why we do this. Because it's good and natural. No mineral is more potent to human health and well-being. Good for the body, good for the air. It's simple. There was once a day this salt was like gold; used in trade and as payment to workers and soldiers. As long as they were "worth their salt" and earned their "salary". It's a true commodity because of it's age and purity, not to be confused with industrially processed salt, or even sea salt found today from today's oceans and seas.
Even further, Himalayan salt crystal comes in different qualities as it is mined and sorted. Most of what you can find elsewhere over the Internet is the quality which would never make it into our containers, period. Price is not a point we argue as long as what we receive is peerless quality and enough to make even our own trained and hardened eyes say, "WoW, that's gorgeous!".
We see every piece of salt that we ship, everything is hand-pulled from cases, tested, re-boxed, and packed well for a journey with the angriest of UPS drivers and maddest of mailmen. Pretty packaging we don't specialize in; our stuff isn't pre-boxed in Pakistan and only opened when it reaches the end user. These are the perils of same-day shipping during the holidays, which we could never promise while still taking the extra few minutes to plug it in and it something I'd want my MY house? Sure, we pull a baddie every once in awhile, but we don't ship baddies!! We have a far less than 1% returned merchandise rate to back that up too.
Ionicsalts has a big holiday sale going on now. If you don't have a salt lamp, or already own one but want to know what a good one looks like, read up on some info and check the catalog.
Happy Holidays!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Water from Air via Salt - Love it!
Aqua Sciences™ atmospheric water extraction machines can be furnished and installed in disaster sites, urban, rural and isolated communities to capture, purify and dispense water of superior quality on demand.
Current machines can provide between 350-1,200 gallons of water per day with a target price of approximately $0.25 per gallon dependent upon actual conditions and costs.
Machines may be powered by electricity or a self-contained diesel generator and are environmentally friendly due to lower energy requirements and no harmful or toxic by-products.
This is fascinating given the oddball weather patterns, including the drought we've been under here in Southeast. Lakes are drying up and primary water resources for major areas like Atlanta and Charlotte are reaching dangerous levels; to the point where we hear "60 days of water left"...."45 days of water left".
As long as the oil and energy companies don't get wind of this, it could be an affordable alternative when water is scarce. Otherwise we may be paying $3 per gallon for fresh water!
Anyway, how's your air? Try a salt lamp and breathe cleanly and naturally relieve most asthma and respiratory allergy symptoms that are caused by bad air in the home or office.
Even mold is kept in check by our salt crystal according to one of our customers. Shortly after receiving their salt lamps, her daughter had to grow mold on bread for a class project. In several places around the home, bread was placed according to instructions given by her teacher. After several days, the project was due. Unfortunately, the mold would not grow anywhere in the home.
Why not?
Our salt lamps are the highest quality one will EVER find. With this purity of content and structure is created a very efficient, natural air cleaner. They do not physically remove allergens, mold, bacteria and microbes from the air however. They change the air itself, creating an unsuitable environment by slightly changing the electrical balance in the air, and removing water molecules that are vital to the survival and airborne state of those floating baddies.
On one hand salt creates fresh water out of thin air, literally; on the other hand, high-quality crystal salt improves the air we breathe within the confines of any indoor space.
So, while having your own household water generator maybe be a bit farther in the future, you can do something to improve your indoor air and overall well-being by a getting a beautiful salt lamp
from Seriously, you get 30 day unconditional, hassle-free guarantee that assures your satisfaction. Discover for yourself what everyone else tells us....we have the best salt crystal product around, bar none.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Salt Lamps: Natural Gifts That Keep on Giving
Know anyone with asthma or respiratory allergies? Why not give them a natural air cleaner that is stunningly beautiful? Our salt lamps change the condition and electrical balance of indoor air through a natural hygroscopic process involving the attraction of moisture to the salt surface. Without moisture, airborne irritants and infectious microbes cannot remain airborne and viable.....falling harmlessly to the floor. Without the positive-charged water molecules present, the natural electrical balance shift toward negative due to the reduction in positive ions. It is a documented and researched fact that negative ions are good for you, me, and everyone else.
Check out our salt lamps and bath salt at our website, Keep in mind lamps are sold by weight, not by label; some may call a lamp weighing 5 lbs a medium...we call that a "mini", and anything less we consider a chip with barely enough room for a bulb. Unless using a "clip" style attachment that mounts at the bottom of the base.....these are not satisfactory when it comes to proper illumination and heating of the salt, we sell many cords to people who gripe about this.
As an aside, it has been confirmed that certain manufacturers in Pakistan, and maybe elsewhere, are making lamps from sea salt and selling them as genuine Himalayan salt crystal, which is mined from the earth. We aren't aware of the process yet but be aware. I think I've seen one of these, but sold as salt of another origin.
Happy Holidays!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Salt Lamps for Peace - Summer Sale
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
On another note, I found an article about new "non-stick" salt in the NY Times. Apparently, by adding an amino acid to the already poisonous and unhealthy common processed salt, it won't clump together due to it's attraction of humidity; therefore it can be stored in otherwise unsuitable environments.
From the New York Times, 12/9/2006
Perhaps someday they can remove the added flouride, which is a known neurotoxin and completely unnecessary. Chances are, if you live in a municipal area, flouride is being injected into your tap water too.By CLIVE THOMPSONPublished: December 10, 2006Everyone knows the havoc that humidity wreaks on salt. You pick up a saltshaker, tip it upside down and — nothing.
The problem is molecular. Salt grains are cube shaped, so it doesn’t take much to get them to stack together like Legos. Salt producers have created nonsticking salt before by adding chemicals to prevent binding. But this year, in the July issue of Crystal Growth and Design, a team of Indian scientists announced that they had discovered a better way to attack the problem: they produced salt that is round.
To accomplish this, they added the amino acid glycine to a pan of brine and then let the salty liquid evaporate. The resulting crystals were shaped like dodecahedrons: 12-sided grains. In this nearly spherical form, the grains no longer stacked like bricks but like oranges in a sack. The researchers put some of the round salt into a container, left it for a year and found that it still poured freely.
The glycine has a side effect: it makes the salt slightly sweeter. Pushpito K. Ghosh, one of the lead scientists on the project, claims he can’t detect it — “And I’ve eaten a lot of it!” — but he suspects that chefs might.
"There are also over 30 animal studies showing that fluoride is a neurotoxin which reduces learning and memory. Essentially, fluoride makes you a bit less intelligent."
That may somewhat explain what's wrong with some people.... ;-)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Holiday Sale and News
We now offer sales to Canada! We've had enough traffic and inquiries to justify the addition. Welcome friends in the Great White North. Shipping options include UPS and USPS.
More design work to come sitewide. Finally the bugs are out of our new product gallery. Another interface and background to come.
Elvis Costello said, "All musicians are thieves and magpies". I suppose it's true in the web game. How many more new sites will find the need to rip our photos and graphics off? We use a service that protects our words and text, we look for those that steal our images. I never ends. We are happy to license photos, but not for free and not without specific, individual permissions. We reserve the right to refuse usage. We are diligent in enforcing our rights. Every image is dated, listed and registered with the Library of Congress. We have the RAW files as well. Lazy webmasters are scum. lol
We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season.....there's always next year.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Holidays are coming, Ready?
Our website will be undergoing a few changes, including a new shopping cart and new shipping options. Due to popular demand, we will beginning sales to Canadian customers too. Cool eh.
We have a few new crafted items that are unbelievable in quality and appearance. New natural salt lamps in more colors are on the way to the site....introducing fiery orange and red soon.
We will of course have a holiday sale, specifics are still being mulled.
Until next time....
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
New income opportunity and more
Help us spread the word and market these natural, amazing products - and get paid for every sale made from your referrals. For more information, visit our opportunity page.
Finally, don't forget to spend some time relaxing with the ambient, naturally healthy environment that comes with a Himalayan salt lamp. It's good for you!
Monday, May 29, 2006
New products are online NOW!
Still some clean-up and minor things to do, but it's fully functional.
New Himalayan salt lamps - Blues, Whites, two-color pieces, iron baskets, and so much more. There also a new Accessories page for cords, clear and colored bulbs.
Edible! We now have edible-grade Himalayan salt crystal in 1kg packages. Animals love it, and you will too. Common table salt is poison. We offer the real deal.
Still more stuff in the works. Christmas will be HUUUGE. Affiliate program on the way!
Onward and Upward....Stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Electronic Smog and Salt Lamps
Invisible "smog", created by the electricity that powers our civilisation, is giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life, new scientific evidence reveals.
The evidence - which is being taken seriously by national and international bodies and authorities - suggests that almost everyone is being exposed to a new form of pollution with countless sources in daily use in every home.
Two official Department of Health reports on the smog are to be presented to ministers next month, and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has recently held the first meeting of an expert group charged with developing advice to the public on the threat.
The UN's World Health Organisation (WHO) calls the electronic smog "one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences" and stresses that it "takes seriously" concerns about the health effects. It adds that "everyone in the world" is exposed to it and that "levels will continue to increase as technology advances".
Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment - from TVs to toasters - give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping.
Radio frequency fields - yet another component - are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.
The WHO says that the smog could interfere with the tiny natural electrical currents that help to drive the human body. Nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses, for example, while the use of electrocardiograms testify to the electrical activity of the heart.
Campaigners have long been worried about exposure to fields from lines carried by electric pylons but, until recently, their concerns were dismissed, even ridiculed, by the authorities.
But last year a study by the official National Radiological Protection Board concluded that children living close to the lines are more likely to get leukaemia, and ministers are considering whether to stop any more homes being built near them. The discovery is causing a large-scale reappraisal of the hazards of the smog.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer - part of the WHO and the leading international organisation on the disease - classes the smog as a "possible human carcinogen". And Professor David Carpenter, dean of the School of Public Health at the State University of New York, told The Independent on Sunday last week that it was likely to cause up to 30 per cent of all childhood cancers. A report by the California Health Department concludes that it is also likely to cause adult leukaemia, brain cancers and possibly breast cancer and could be responsible for a 10th of all miscarriages.
Professor Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at Bristol University, says that "a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects". He estimates that the smog causes some 9,000 cases of depression.
Perhaps strangest of all, there is increasing evidence that the smog causes some people to become allergic to electricity, leading to nausea, pain, dizziness, depression and difficulties in sleeping and concentrating when they use electrical appliances or go near mobile phone masts. Some are so badly affected that they have to change their lifestyles.
While not yet certain how it is caused, both the WHO and the HPA accept that the condition exists, and the UN body estimates that up to three in every 100 people are affected by it.
Case History: 'I felt I was going into meltdown'
Until a year ago, Sarah Dacre reckoned she had a "blessed life". Running her own company, and living in an expensive north London home, the high-earning divorcee described herself as "fab, fit and 40s". Then suddenly the sight in her right eye failed: she first noticed it when she was unable to read an A-Z map. Soon she was getting pains and numbness in her joints. She could not sleep and spent nights "pacing about like a caged lion". Her short-term memory failed and if she took notes to remind her, she would forget she had made them.
The symptoms got worse whenever she was exposed to electricity. She could not use a computer for more than five minutes without becoming nauseous. Even using a telephone landline gave her a buzzing in the ear and made her feel she was "going into meltdown".
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Ionicsalts - We're still here...
We recently received another 70,000 lbs of salt crystal product. The quality thus far is unmatched, seriously. There will soon be many new products hitting the website, as well as the ol' favorites. Blue and snow white salt lamps, new designs using two colors of salt, and we will be introducing Himalayan peloid with salt inclusion. This is mineral-rich mud from the bottom of the mines known for it's tremendous natural care for skin. It's a great facial scrub. Additionally we'll soon have edible Himalayan salt crystal available. This is considered "gourmet" and completely wholesome, as opposed to regular, manufactured table salt.
Things are moving quickly, no change there. We have also reached the conclusion that we are the most plagiarized and pillaged salt lamp site on the Web. Every week we get more reports of lazy, shameless people taking our images and text to use on their own sites. We are vigilant in protecting our rights, and with the time and money we put into our product photos - it is required. On one hand, it's flattering to know we have the best site and images on the Internet for these well as the most informative, well-written website; on the other hand this is business, and as such we must protect our assets. We have daily scans done for possible content infringment, because of this problem we have.
We are soon to roll-out an affiliate program of sorts too. This will allow people to sell our lamps with the need for warehousing, shipping, or inventory. If you're interested please send us an email at will add you to the list for notification once it's alive.
We've recently doubled our warehouse space (again), and finally picked up a forkift of our own. This has opened up freight shipments for us....and wholesale is growing exponentially for us - so this is a good thing.
More coming later. Peace.
Friday, December 09, 2005
The Holiday Salt Lamp Sale continues...
Merry Christmas everyone....
To understate it, our sale is doing well. We're still shipping in time for Christmas, and wholesale orders are being delayed to help get holiday orders out faster. I'd really thought our holiday sales were good last year, and they were....we sold out of nearly everything. This year is nuts, more than imagined certainly. We are very glad that so many more people will be turned on to our salt lamps, for word-of-mouth has been our best advertisement. Our lamps are better.
On another positive note, muscle tone and strength is increasing for myself and anyone working in our warehouse! Gravity is so cruel, yet so kind.
Another trip to the photographer is coming soon, we always seem to have a few that don't have photos and therefore don't make it on the website. Oh the treasures that await! has taken the main page down but left inner pages with our content visible. Emails are returned as undeliverable. We've began another cleansing project, locating plagiarized and/or stolen content and getting it taken down. We offer the opportunity to remove it....but some choose to ignore us. They are no match for my DMCA/copyright kung-fu, lessons are to be learned methinks. Too much time and money is invested in this venture to have its assets burgled away so casually. It's business.
Oh, the holiday sale is over at the end of this year - December 31, 2005! Get it while it's hot.
...and a Happy New Year!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Holiday Sale is On!! 20% Off Everything
Price on Home Spa Pack was raised $3 to offset the sale discount, which lowered it to where shipping costs are applied thereby defeating the purpose, Also, included the candleholder that was part of our last promotion in the Pack.
Wheels are still turning around here. We're still pushing for full-blown medical studies, our evidence is THAT compelling. The website is under constant improvement and several things are planned for the first quarter of next year.
Speaking of content, the folks at have stolen our copyrighted photos and used them in their own commercial site. I haven't ran a scan on their text content yet, but I can only imagine how much I've been copied. All of our photos, text, and graphics are protected by US copyright law along with the DMCA. Our product photos are registered with the Library of Congress and have been issued an ISBN number.
We are very diligent in the protection of our property/investments and enforce our rights with the same diligence. Action begins in a matter of days, as we've offered a window of opportunity to remove all of our pics/material from their website. Oh man, they picked the wrong website for this sort of behavior.
Happy Holidays from and E-klectix!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Unique Holiday Gifts for Everyone
Times change, do they not?
What is Christmas today? Crowded stores and malls, competition for the "hot" holiday toys, driving around town looking for a decent parking spot on fuel costing $3 per gallon, traffic jams, tired holiday songs and music everywhere you seems so cliché now.
Why? How many of your family and friends own one or even know of them? Do you know anyone with respiratory problems like asthma or allergies, perhaps children you know suffer these problems? Someone who enjoys beauty and natural ambience in their surroundings? Any persons who could use an upgrade to the indoor environment in which they both work and live. Everyone likes to have something unique (besides themselves), unlike any other in the world - true?
This holiday season, give those you care for a unique, natural, homeopathic, beautiful, and ambient gift they will appreciate for the rest of their lives.
Anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic, our himalayan salt lamps are perfect for everyone, infants to seniors. Our bath salts and bath bars are the most pure and potent available anywhere in the world...period. Certainly a spa sensation without ostentation, they offer wonderful care for skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Therapeutic help for acne and many other skin problems.
Turn 'em on to something unusual, yet beneficial, this year. No gasoline or shopping headache required. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
- offers the largest,finest selection of premium Himalayan salt crystal products.
- Beware of cheap imitation 'rock salt' products, it is not crystalline nor as potent.
- Our quality is peerless and guaranteed.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Are we there yet?
After cropping, re-sizing, format converting, and otherwise manipulating ten billion photos...after creating a few hundred thousand graphics, and over a million html pages - it is done!
The catalog has been updated, and re-done in several ways. There's now a gift certificate option, right on time for the holidays. Nearly all of our new stuff is there, other stuff will be there once our photographer has his way with them.
New specials are on! Free candleholder and free shipping with orders over $50....and the "Home Spa Pack" for $59.95, which includes (1)Small Natural Salt Lamp, (2 lbs) Himalayan Crystal Bath Salt, and (2) Himalayan Salt Bath Bars....yes, we're giving the free candleholder and free shipping with it too!
Still plenty left to do; as I hold my breath while Google plays with their ranking algorithm for another week or two. They truly have the power to make or break small businesses. They've been good to our website, let's hope they remain so. The Jagger it's been dubbed.
Does Mick know about this?
On another note, we send our prayers and thoughts to the victims and casualties of the recent earthquake in the Pakistan|Kashmir|India region. Their devastation makes Katrina seem minimal. These are the miners, laborers, crafters, and business contacts that make our salt business happen, as this region of north and northeastern Pakistan is where these finest of the world's salt mines are located.
Our supply line is intact and next container is almost ready to sail, thankfully. We can't say the same for other vendors and mining companies in the area, shortages are inevitable for some.
These people of Southeast Asia are still digging out and looking for lost family and friends.
Help if you can.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Natural Gifts that Keep Giving
When is the last time you gave a "natural" gift? When did you last give a gift that benefitted health and well-being? How many gifts do you still hear about years later?
Go ahead, I'll give you a moment to ponder....
Now think about giving a Himalayan salt lamp; or perhaps some of the finest, most potent bath salt available anywhere on Earth; salt crystal candleholders make delightful gifts for giving at the office too. Our products are the ultimate antiques; being over 250 million years old and absolutely pure of man-made contamination.
There's simply little, if any, chance of going wrong with giving our lamps and other products for holiday gifts. People are naturally drawn to the color and environment created, and only the most insensitive of humans will not notice the difference this salt crystal makes in the surrounding area. We have yet to meet any of these people though.
Make everyone on your list happy this Christmas and holiday season, check out our entire and ever-expanding product line. Wholesale prices start at 10 items, please contact us for orders of this size.
If you decide on the usual, mundane gifts this year - no problem! We're here all year, 24/7/365.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Wow, holidays again?
Until that most interesting day, we'll have to keep uniting the world - one salt lamp at a time.
We have lots of new stuff coming online soon, new shopping cart, new sites, new ideas already taking a life of their own. No matter what things seem to move forward by their own momentum. How peculiar.
Peculiar that, despite the natural and man-made tragedies that have unfolded recently in New Orleans and surrounding areas, life continues. It is a catastrophic cycle of this planet, mirrored simultaneously and visibly in the human condition. Not just Katrina...oh if only it were so shallow! The worst may be yet to come I'm afraid.
Pray or meditate in whatever way you must, just do it. Words aren't important, feel.
A salt crystal lamp can facilitate this practice.
Be Good.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Life is funny...sometimes.
We did our second photoshoot with our photographer.
Great shots and kinda fun, other than unloading/loading (gravity again!).
We're already discussing expansion of warehouse space.
We'll be moving away from Paypal's free shopping cart soon to our improved cart and system. This will allow for greater flexibility and inventory control. This will happen by Halloween certainly.
Wholesale salt crystal products are available. Drop us an email for prices.
Order while selection is wide open. We have some seriously beautiful salt - no vendor in this country has anything comparable in quality. The color and translucency of some of these latest pieces are magnificent. We should be charging a premium for these.
If you're looking for a deeper red or nearly white lamp - now is the time, we have lots.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
It's Here!!
Our latest container of salty goodness arrived last week in Charleston, SC. After the wait while our container got the expected scrutiny from our good friends at US Customs, it has been released and should arrive in a matter of days. (w00t!) We've got lots of new goodies in this shipment, and we're anxious to get it; more decorative salt crystal designs and unique carvings in lamps and candleholders. We have some insanely innovative things on the way - but I'm not tipping our hand just yet.
On a different note, we've received tons of email lately from skeptical and some rather uneducated people about what Himalayan salt crystal can (or cannot) do for human well-being and the several means by which it can and usually does...improve our health. We are not scientists, nor are we selling medical devices. This is a natural occuring mineral with well-known properties of affecting the human organism - internally and externally. The only thing I can suggest for these people is to buy one! Do your own scientific investigation and publish your data for peer review by the global scientific community -or- decide within 30 days if it's a waste of money. We have always guaranteed our products to meet or exceed expectations. If it ain't right, we'll make it right.
Everyone who owns one loves it, and more often than not get more, either for themselves or others. One of those gifts people will continue to thank you for long after it is given...seriously.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
~James Madison
Monday, July 25, 2005
Onward and Upward
The salt lamp trend is growing (we're doing our best!). We repeatedly get new inquiries and sales for a variety of business types and from all parts of the world. We like it, and use this to continue growth with innovation and market reach. We are proud of the unmatched quality of salt crystal products we offer.
In response to overwhelming demand, we are launching a web site very soon for wholesale and quantity sales. Same products as our retail site, but better per-unit pricing based on the number units ordered. For those that have thought about a salt lamp business or adding salt lamps to an existing product line - SMILE!
Until next time....
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Natural Salt Lamps Sold Out!
Our crafted and exclusive series of Himalayan salt crystal lamps are still available, as well as our crystal salt candleholders and bath salts.
Edible Himalayan salt will also be available upon our shipment arriving.
Thanks to all of our customers, we are growing fast and beyond expectations. We expect to expand our product line significantly before Christmas - things not yet available anywhere and patents are even being considered for some items.
Stay Cool!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Moving Sale!
We're pleased to announce the Ionicsalts Moving Sale. Due to the steady increase in volume and overall business (thank you) we now must relocate to a larger facility. In case you've just joined us, rock salt crystal is heavy; and we'd like UPS to move our inventory for us -- one order at a time, before we load any remaining inventory and haul it to the new, more spacious surroundings.
20% OFF Everything in Stock....our biggest sale ever. As always, all orders totaling $50 or more are shipped and no extra charge.
We're very excited about the new place, certainly more accomodating for our continued growth.
Whether you've had your eye on a particular product or have no idea what a salt lamp is, now is a great time to check us out.
Our Moving Sale is only for a limited time, while supplies last.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Negative Ion Mouse
According to the article, this mouse emits negative ions which are well-known to positively affect health and well-being. Amazing, wish I'd thought of it!
While not naturally occuring ions, this is nevertheless a step in the right direction.
They claim the ions extend to a range of 1 meter around the mouse.
It would be a perfect companion to the salt lamp already next to my monitor. Hope the price is right!
I hope that someday negative ion generators will be standard equipment on the mouse
See, we aren't so crazy after all! lol
Friday, May 27, 2005
Do Salt Lamps Work?
One was even a .edu link....go figure. No evidence, no observation, no testing-just words based on old school thinking that we need machines, pharmaceuticals, and technology to save us all. Anyone that actually owns one will say different, if they won't then they haven't tried our lamps.
Here are the facts: Salt crystal by it's very nature is hygroscopic, meaning it removes moisture/humidity readily. Airborne microbial life (bacteria, virii, spores, et al) cannot remain airborne nor can they remain alive without the humidity and moisture to cling to. These little critters fall to floor and die rather quickly. This same principle applies to airborne allergens and particulates that give some people fits of asthma or allergic reactions, even headaches and migraines. So many illnesses and maladies are environmentally the things we eat, the items we surround ourselves with, and with every breath we bring our airborne environment within usually not wondering "What was in that breath I just took?"
On the other side of the aisle is study after study which proves the medical benefit and positive effects on human well-being that salt crystal can have. Removal of ADHD symptoms; increased mental activity and alertness; improved mood; improved healing rate; increased productivity; better sleep; less fatigue....oh, there's more, that's just the salt lamps (bath salts bring even more into play). These remarkable effects are attributed to the high energetic content and crystalline structure which is in no way similar to table salt, or even sea salt. The negative ions change the electrical state of surrounding air, thereby changing the balance.
Microbes, pollutants, and their ilk attach to positive ions in the air; the balance is altered by negative ions. The floaties have nothing to grab onto, and again, they die. The change in electrical state has a compounding effect on purifying the air with the natural hygroscopic properties of Himalayan salt.
Salt lamps do work. Those that dispute this are full of **it. We guarantee it.
These are not medical devices, simply 100% natural and homeopathic alternatives that convince everyone that ever buys one from us. Did I mention ozone-free and 250 Million years old?
80% of our customers come back for more....guess why.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Super Water Kills Bugs Dead
According to this article, a company in California has created and water-salt solution which is as effective as bleach in disinfecting yet harmless to people, plants, and animals. It smells and tastes like water but there is an ionic imbalance created by the salt which makes quick work of bacteria, virii, and even spores.
This fall right in line with what we've been saying about "real" salt. Suddenly we have a natural alternative disinfectant that works every bit as good bleach according to the discoverers.
Interesting article. Our salt lamps have a similar disinfecting effect on indoor air. Science keeps backing us up.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Polish vs Himalayan: Observations
Polish mines are well-known in Europe, and as salt is by it's very nature hygroscopic (readily removing moisture from the air) the environment is ideal for speleo/halotherapy. The mines are a tourist attraction with much history. Of course their is therapeutic value while being within the mines. Lamps from this salt are attractive as well...but....
Books have been written about Himalayan salt crystal, studies have been done about the amazing effects of negative ions on human health, and our customers who already own or have owned Polish salt lamps are regularly remarking about the remarkable difference of our salt lamps. Visually the light is more even because the salt is more translucent with far fewer impurities on average to cloud and obscure. Unanimously, we hear from our customers about the "kick" our lamps have that none others offer. We can attribute this to the high energetic/ionic/biophotonic content not found anywhere else. There is a real difference!
This is a touchy-feely item, in that, we can only tell you how it can affect your environment and, consequently, YOU. You only get half the story just looking at it. Having one around makes a world of difference in so many ways.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Ionic Breeze = Toast
I've known for quite some time it was an over-rated product. It doesn't move air, but relies on ambient air circulation to move airborne particulates close enough to be caught in the electrostatic field generated by the "plates". Failure to clean these plates can result in the unit catching on fire - NOT good.
However, Consumer Reports took it even futher by calling it not only ineffective but UNHEALTHY for the amounts of ozone generated.
According to this Consumer Reports article it was found that the lauded seals of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and The British Allergy Foundation were, more or less, bought rather than an independent, unbiased review.
There are machines that actually clean air, humans have machines for just about everything. Nature has it's own air cleaners as well. Waterfalls, lightning, storms, and salt.
From Consumer Reports:
Keep your home ventilated. Use outdoor-venting exhaust fans in kitchen, bath, and laundry areas to reduce moisture and airborne particles that can breed respiratory irritants....A salt lamp is a beautiful, natural, ozone-free alternative to a machine that will eventually break. Our salt lamps are 250 million years old (and counting). We have a few....wanna see?
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
It's Alive! The wait is over.
Also, because of the delays we're announcing the Ionicsalts "Sorry-It-Took-So-Long" Sale. We're are knocking 10% off the total at checkout AND (as always) if an order totals $50 or more we ship it to you for FREE. You simply cannot find this level of quality at this price anywhere, even without the sale!
Also, while supplies last, get TWO Mini Natural Salt Lamps for $60 and we pay the shipping. These lamps are just right for a small table at home or a desk at work. Use them where you spend the most time - perhaps work and sleep.
Go now, check 'em out!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Salt Lamp Saga -or- Woe is We ;-)
We are also rolling out a new catalog layout in an effort to improve organization and navigation. Who wants to scroll down a page thats a mile long?
We got many new products being added and we've decided to go the extra mile or three in product presentation...hence the further delay. Once we have the pictures complete it will be short work in getting it to the Web.
We are also looking toward offering edible Himalayan salt crystal in the near future; as well as expanding our product line with new ideas and a sporadic epiphone here and there.
Incidentally, I got another salt lamp so everything is fine now.....the difference these lamps make is uncanny, both to the air and how I feel overall. Luckily, I'm not so crazy because those who own one or more of these natural air-purifying salt lamps will attest to this as well. They work.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
New salt lamps and designs on the way!
It wasn't until we had a second co. step in that it was finally sent down our way and subsequently released by Customs agents. What a @#$% nightmare!
Those looking for quantity or wholesale information, hang tight. Once we inspect our items and calculate costs, we plan on hitting the ground running - full tilt. For our customers who keep coming back looking for the new stuff we've hyped for months now, we thank you for your patience and loyalty. You obviously have good taste in Himalayan salt ;-D
Ideas for a salt crystal sculpture or design? Please email us or post it in a comment below.
We are shooting for early March to rollout the new line....dont miss it!
Monday, February 14, 2005
The plot thickens...
Refusal to pay additional fees after shipping was paid in full FOB to our port causes mysterious delays... blame it on Customs - uh huh...whatever ya scurvy pirates. We've enlisted another logistics firm for our cargo on further shipments...we can't deal with crooks, it's bad for business.
As of now it could be the end of the month before our new lamps and designs are online and ready to ship. Interesting that a two week delay can set back launch by four weeks...a dime holding up a dollar.
Shooting for March 1......keep you posted.
So anyway, What's in your air?
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Ionic Himalayan Bath Salt Crystal
The bath salt we offer is made of the same energetic, ionic salt as our lamps and candleholders. Sea salt doesn't really compare in effect; but remains a cheaper, less effective alternative for those that aren't aware there is something better. Adding our salt crystal to your bath water truly unlocks the potency and content. Released is the bio-photonic content in it's original form dating back over 250 million years ago.
Natural Himalayan Bath Salt Crystal is effective:
- Relieves muscle aches, tension, and can reduce symptoms of arthritis
- Improves energy level through powerful, healthful air ions
- Effectively take great care of skin. Also often useful with rashes, acne, and healing of wounds.
- Salt crystal is anti-allergen, and antiseptic.
- Offers the peaceful relaxation of a spa without the ostentation or expense
- Every element that comprises the human body is held within this salt
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Ten Reasons to Buy a Salt Lamp
1. Himalayan salt crystal is pure and natural.
2. This salt is 250 million years old, when the earth was pristine and untouched by humans.
3. Salt lamps are stunningly beautiful.4. Salt lamps naturally ionize and purify indoor air, leaving it smelling and feeling fresh.
5. A wonderful tool for Feng Shui masters and beginners alike, salt crystal is full of energy.
6. Most asthma and allergy symptoms dissipate with having these lamps around.
7. Himalayan salt lamps will help you sleep better.
8. Add beautiful ambience and create "atmosphere" with these one-of-a-kind lamps.
9. Well-known for speleotherapy, color therapy, halotherapy; as well as increasing mental alertness and productivity.
10. Odorless, ancient, and entirely wholesome. Keep away from water - they will be around for many generations without losing effect.
This isn't all - the list is extensive.... we know salt lamps
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Speleotherapy and the Salt Lamp.
These days we have been conditioned to "medicate" as a primary means of treatment, thanks to the powerful pharmaceutical companies lobbying and advertising (the medical community is not innocent either). Pharmacotherapy offers quick, convenient relief but at what possible cost and what side effects?
Speleotherapy - widely acknowledged as being a very effective and medication-free method of treatment for a variety of health issues. Underground climatotherapy in natural salt caves (speleotherapy) has been known centuries through Europe and parts of Asia. Speleotherapy is still muddled in obscurity in the US however.
The effects and results of speleotherapy are associated with the dry salt cave microclimate created by the natural sodium chloride aerosol occuring within these underground chambers- which is a result of "convective diffusion" formed by the salt walls of the caves. The air is dust-free, hypoallergenic, hypobacterial, low in moisture, and energized with natural, beneficial negative ions.
Halotherapy, from the Greek "halos" or salt, is a similar mode of treatment employing a controlled air medium simualting the microclimate of these therapeutic and natural salt caves.
A Polish doctor, F. Bochowsky, first suggested that air saturated with saline dust, and what would be later known as negative ions, created a curative effect with persons suffering from respiratory diseases in the year 1843.
All over the globe, salt mines are well-known and used for therapeutic treatment. Countries such as Pakistan, Poland, Austria, Romania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine have substantial mines of varying degrees. After my own studies, frankly, not all salt is the same; all have effect, yet our most noticeable effects came from the Himalayan foothills region of Pakistan.
Try a salt lamp...your wellness will thank you.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Global Logistics...whiskey-tango-foxtrot
It's an experiment of which the results are becoming quite apparent. Being a former smoker, as of nearly six months ago, I never expected I'd be "sensitive" to cigarette smoke. Weekdays are spent around a heavy smoker in an enclosed area...guess what's happened since my lamp went bye-bye...go on - guess.
Daily headaches, throat soreness, stuffy sinuses, lack of energy, poor's amazing to me now that I smoked as much as I did before I quit. Even more amazing was how I was still able to absorb enough oygen to function. For me the beauty of a salt lamp is secondary to it's profound health effects.
Stepping further, these effects are affected by the energy and light that comes abundantly when warm and glowing. I often wonder if it's more than just negative ions. The color frequencies of the salt, the hygroscopic's something else. I need some of that good stuff right now.
Man my throat hurts......
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Going commando...salt lamp ions removed!
Had an order to fill today but came up one short...I donated my salt lamp (of the needed size) to fill the request and get it on it's way. I swear to you this: The overall difference this salt crystal lamp made in the air when first put in this room is magnified by the difference in the air now that it's gone! The warm, soothing, peach-colored glow of a hefty, natural chunk of lighted salt crystal standing at a 24-hour ionic vigil.
Powerful ions in a slug fest with "sha chi" (bad energy), airborne bacteria and allergens, and cancer-causing electronic smog from electronics, appliances, TV's...oh and the monitor and computer we are using right now. They are all gone now.... everyone who has come in this room has remarked on the striking change in the air and "vibe" since I took my lamp out.
Part of me is afraid the next one I put in here won't be as good, I should know better though. Our stuff is ALWAYS consistent....honestly IMO these are the best salt lamps and the best salt crystal bath salts you can get anywhere. The potency and energy level is superior with Ionicsalts...I don't need scientific instruments to know this, it's in the air.
I might add a "fire bowl" - I've always liked those.
I miss my salt lamp!
Monday, January 24, 2005
Almost here
Pictures don't really do salt lamps any justice, it's a combination of beauty and energy that make these lamps and salts much different. Only the most insensitive person couldn't tell the difference, even Stevie Wonder would be able to appreciate our lamps!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Can You Say Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a Chinese word meaning literally "wind water". It's also called the "art of placement". Guidelines and practices vary widely from masters who stay true to the roots of Feng Shui teachings, all the way to more superstitious practices which have little to do at all with "feng shui".
However, the idea is to channel energy to certain areas of the home or indoor space to bring luck and prosperity. These areas are based on the relationship of your environment to the headings of a compass. Other factors figure in but that's comes later on. Important sections to pay attention to are relationship areas such as a bedroom or "money" areas like the office.
Feng Shui masters have known the power of salt crystal lamps for centuries. Not only are these lamps appreciated for their beauty, but there is an unmistakable difference by having one in a room. Energy is added bringing positive influence. Our salt lamps are the most powerful Feng Shui tool available. Dragons, three-toed frogs, and trinkets are nice, but this is the real deal. Salt lamps are an easy way to get some Feng Shui going by naturally adding a vibe that most people can recognize - although they might not realize the difference is the lamp. |
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Hello World
Salt crystal emits massive amounts of negative ions which, basically, cancel the electromagnetic frequencies radiating from my monitor. These frequencies are part of a larger environmental problem that goes virtually unnoticed, electronic smog. Televisions, computers, power lines, even home appliances and more...all contribute.
My salt lamp is nearly 10 lbs and always on. My monitor is 22" and always on. Sounds like a good match-up eh? This chunk of Himalayan salt crystal threw the figure-four on my 22" NEC monitor since day 2 (first day is just warm-up ..heh).
If you spend a good bit of time in front of a computer, you should consider one of these.