We now offer sales to Canada! We've had enough traffic and inquiries to justify the addition. Welcome friends in the Great White North. Shipping options include UPS and USPS.
More design work to come sitewide. Finally the bugs are out of our new product gallery. Another interface and background to come.
Elvis Costello said, "All musicians are thieves and magpies". I suppose it's true in the web game. How many more new sites will find the need to rip our photos and graphics off? We use a service that protects our words and text, we look for those that steal our images. I never ends. We are happy to license photos, but not for free and not without specific, individual permissions. We reserve the right to refuse usage. We are diligent in enforcing our rights. Every image is dated, listed and registered with the Library of Congress. We have the RAW files as well. Lazy webmasters are scum. lol
We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season.....there's always next year.
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